Laura Aldridge

Matthew Ronay, Laura Aldridge and Lauren Gault, Adam Putnam, Wendy Jacob, Laura Spring and Claire Barclay
11/05/ – 28/08/2022

Matthew Ronay, Laura Aldridge and Lauren Gault, Adam Putnam, Wendy Jacob, Laura Spring and Claire Barclay
11/05/ – 28/08/2022

Matthew Ronay, Laura Aldridge and Lauren Gault, Adam Putnam, Wendy Jacob, Laura Spring and Claire Barclay
11/05/ – 28/08/2022

Human_Threads.mp4 from Glasgow Tramway on Vimeo.

A large scale, multi-sensory exhibition curated by the Edinburgh-based organisation Artlink and presented in partnership with Tramway.

Conceived as an accessible, creative experience informed by individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD), the exhibition takes the form of an interactive landscape which invites audiences on a journey of light, sound, touch and smell. From a huge silk sail which sways softly, to sculpture that translates audio into vibrating pulses, and a playful tower emitting light, smoke and bubbles – each artwork within this gentle fairground offers a new encounter.

Human Threads is the culmination of years of pioneering research by Artlink and the Cherry Road Learning Centre. Through a process of mutual learning via collaborative play. Each artwork has been developed with and informed by individuals with PMLD and invites audiences to interact through a variety of senses. The works expand our perceptions of what an artwork might be and break down barriers of access to contemporary art. Throughout Human Threads the physical experience of the artwork becomes a shared, communal language through which to explore new possibilities of human perception.

The exhibition’s sensory approach makes it ideal for a diverse range of audiences, and all generations are welcome. Please note that Tuesday has been designated as a quiet day.

A series of events and performances animating the exhibition is taking place through its run. Scroll to the bottom of this page for what’s on at-a-glance, and links to more information. All events are free.

About Artlink
Artlink is an arts organisation based in Edinburgh. Its creative practice is shaped by a close collaboration with people with complex disabilities, their carers, families, and artists.

About Cherry Road Learning Centre in Midlothian
Cherry Road Learning Centre offers tailored and personalised experiences that support adults with complex developmental disabilities and adults with complex autism.

Artworks by Matthew Ronay, Laura Aldridge and Lauren Gault, Adam Putnam, Wendy Jacob, Laura Spring and Claire Barclay

Performative Collaborations by Kevin McPhee, James McLardy & Francesca Nobilucci

Co- curated by Nicola White & Alison Stirling

Supported by Creative Scotland, Midlothian Health & Social care Partnership and RS Macdonald Charitable Trust